Human Design: February 2025 
Monthly Trends


This month’s planet transits discussed by Marga

Lotus by Marga

When the intellect abandons its claim to clarity, there will be no more confusion. You will know, but not in the same way that the intellect knows. It is not the world where two plus two always makes four. […] It is the world of poetry, where symbols exist, where dreams, visions arrive, but where everything always remains a mystery.”

Osho, Snap Your Fingers, Slap Your Face and Wake Up! Ch 8

The month of February begins with a very different energy than that of January. As we have already seen in the transits of the year 2025, the end of last month marked profound changes:

  • First of all, Jupiter has moved into Gate 16, Selectivity, dissolving for now the manifesting Channel 35-36 which has dominated for many weeks with its powerful and incisive energy, especially from the point of view of the realization of experiences (for better or for worse) and practical goals. Now some of us may feel a bit lost, looking for an impact, or for recognition that doesn’t happen, or happens much more slowly… Gate 16, however, which in the I Ching is called Enthusiasm, will certainly be galvanized to give its best by the presence of Jupiter, bringing new dimensions of creativity, less immediate, but more talented.
  • Pluto is now in Gate 41, Imagination, and leaves us free to roam, adding a possible sense of confusion, which often goes hand in hand with newfound freedom… But it will soon give us renewed impulses to distill new things from that empty and full womb at the same time (Gate 41, precisely) from which every creativity and, above all, every new experience is born: it is time for dreams and visions… To paraphrase the Poet: “Abandon all logic, ye who enter here!”
  • The Nodes have also changed position and are now on the 36-6 axis, re-proposing the theme of Crisis and Conflict and their Resolutions… From day 10, however, Gate 36 will free itself from the presence of Neptune and its often unclear and somewhat nebulous influence.
  • Neptune moves into Gate 25, Innocence, muddying the waters in the territory of the self and announcing new challenges and opportunities for inner growth and integration between ego and self, especially for those with Gate 51, Initiation, defined in their chart, or for those over 50 who can fully benefit from the movements of Chiron who is in Gate 51 until the end of March.
  • From February 12, Channel 35-36 returns, defined by Jupiter in direct motion and the N Node, reactivating the energy field of manifestation that we have savored in recent weeks, but with a difference… In transits, in fact, the influence of the Nodes, which we remember are not celestial bodies, but simply points in space, is very different from that of the planets and is often more symbolic than factual. However, transiting Nodes can bring great transformations and karmic resolutions, especially for those on a spiritual or awareness path.
  • Saturn, now in Gate 22, Grace, in the Solar Plexus, will also offer the possibility of emotional growth, bringing responsibility and maturity to a field that is usually rather… adolescent. Possibility of coldness and detachment, or of love musings. All this will be much more accentuated for those who receive the transit through Gate 12, Standstill, activating the Channel of Opening, 12-22, or for those who are around their first Saturn return (29-30 years old).

This is a strange period, in some ways undetermined, yet full of possibilities and intensity, in which we will feel the need to change gear compared to the past… And not just once.

For the transits of the fast planets, you can follow me on my Instagram (new link marga_human_design_evolution), for the trends of the week.

And happy 2025 again!

Marga offers Human Design readings:
you can contact her on whatsapp 0091 9503332918 or


Marga certified in Evolutionary Human Design in 2018 with Chetan Parkyn. She is also an Astrologer and a Gene Key and GK Delta Guide.

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