Radha speaks on zoom about enjoying work we don’t like at first
What to do when emotions are too strong? And how can we be present to everything that happens and enjoy it without being overwhelmed? Radha speaks on this topic in a short video.
Tantra and meditation teacher, Radha, describes in her book what changed in her when she became celibate.
Staying connected, supporting each other, meditating together and learning about ourselves via the internet – by Punya.
A short, but hilarious, excerpt from Radha’s book, Tantra: A Way of Living and Loving – a day at work on the Big Muddy Ranch.
Subhuti’s journey from journalist to ghost-writer, memoir-writer, novelist and finally to published author with ‘Wild Wild Guru’.
Radha remembers her time with Chinmaya, their darshans with Osho, going into celibacy and deeper in meditation with him – excerpted from her book, Tantra: A Way of Living and Loving.
Radha will celebrate the occasion with a special Holiday Retreat on Corfu. In this article, she recalls the events and insights that preceded the opening of her tantra school.
Tantra teacher Radha gives an answer on video to “Can you speak about Osho as an ‘ordinary’ man?” (with Italian translation). Radha was one of the first mediums for Osho in darshans.