Subhan writes, “It is very helpful to remember that whatever perspective we have about the world, it is only a piece of a bigger picture, which includes other perspectives that may appear to contradict ours.”
Marc provides a deeper look into the history of psychology: “Psychology today is the science of behaviour and mind and includes the study of conscious and unconscious phenomena, as well as feeling and thought.”
Osho states, “…thought waves are also physical. What we know as the mind is a very subtle form of physical energy. “
Every organ and cell within the body — all are listening (and responding) to our thoughts, writes Carolanne Wright, citing Osho as well. Published in WakeUpWorld on May 21, 2016.
Q: How is it possible that the mind can go on producing thoughts constantly, and how can we stop that which we have not started?
The bhikkhu who guards his mind
And fears the waywardness of his thoughts
Burns through every bond
With the fire of his vigilance
Researchers finally show how mindfulness and your thoughts can induce specific molecular changes to your genes, writes Michael Forrester on December 5, 2013 in ‘Prevent Disease’.