This is the beginning of a new world


“We are to destroy the whole past. It has been a horrible past, it has been a nightmare,” states Osho.

Osho 1979

If sannyas takes possession of millions of people in the world,
then many more things will start happening out of it.
This is the beginning of a new world,
a new concept of a man who will not be white or black,
Indian or German, Chinese or American, Communist or Catholic,
who will simply be a human being, utterly joyous, utterly in celebration,
who will be a poet, a singer, a dancer, a musician.
Yes, those things are beautiful.
But he will not be a Hindu or a Christian or a Mohammedan,
because those things are ugly.

We are to destroy the whole past.
It has been a horrible past, it has been a nightmare.
The work is great, and I cannot even exactly tell you
the whole thing that is going to happen,
because if I tell the whole thing you may lose courage,
you may lose hope. So I will have to give it to you only in bits and bits.

If you can just move one step, I will talk of one more step;
when you are ready to take another step, I will talk of another step.
But the vision is great: the vision is as inclusive as possible.

Osho, Zorba the Buddha, Ch 26 (excerpt)

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