Osho speaks on Prince Charles; “The new man will find his living god in the trees, in the birds, in the rivers, in the ocean, in the mountains, in the stars. He will transform the whole universe into his temple.”
Chapter 16 from Devageet’s book, Osho: The First Buddha in the Dental Chair, where he recalls Osho saying that our teeth contain memories back to the beginning of evolution.
Akhil and six-year-old daughter Premo are called up in darshan to come forward to sit in front of Osho.
“We are to destroy the whole past. It has been a horrible past, it has been a nightmare,” states Osho.
Osho states that “… it is certain that I have been poisoned by Ronald Reagan’s American government.” He describes in detail his experiences after his arrest in Charlotte and his accumulating health issues since.
Osho’s vision: “The new man is an absolute necessity… If we cannot produce a new human being, then humanity will disappear from the earth.”
Osho speaks to a group of people in Rajasthan, stating that he had come to tell them that there is a way to awaken from this bad dream they have mistaken for life.
Our beloved master,
I imagined that our tendency to put ourselves down was a product of our conditioning, and something peculiar to modern man. But even in Rinzai’s time it appears that was the chief obstacle to self-realization too.
Can a society of unenlightened people exist only if everybody is made to feel inadequate?
Surendra casts a critical eye at the behaviour, rules and norms of tribes and families and their enslavement of the individual. He states, “The tribe is the collective version of ego.”
“This whole life is geared around wrong things. Money is more important than meditation,” says Osho, answering a disciple’s question.
“The new man, he will be complete, entire, acquainted with the outside world and acquainted with the inside world as well,” says Osho. From our series 1001 Tales, compiled by Shanti.
Q: If the whole history of the world were condensed into one year, with us standing at the end of that vast year, it would look something like this:
Ageh Bharti, widely sought-after speaker at colleges and universities in India, continues his travels despite his advanced age. Most recently he visited the Nursing College in Rae Bareli, Uttar Pradesh.
Beloved Osho,
My fear around your vision of the birth of the new man through test-tubes and genetic engineering comes not from the technology itself, but from fear of who might control the technology.
The old man has lived with all kinds of divisions – nations, races, religions. The New Man will live an undivided humanity, with all the sources pooled into one. And that will enable him to explore the universe.
Kul Bhushan conducts a meditation camp at Oshodham, India; published in Coastweek, Kenya, June 7, 2015
The bhikkhu who guards his mind
And fears the waywardness of his thoughts
Burns through every bond
With the fire of his vigilance
Published by The Asian Age, India, on November 10, 2014
This time-laps map shows how world religions developed over centuries (and, obviously, resulted in wars) and what we at Osho News predict the future will bring.
If the whole history of the world were condensed into one year, with us standing at the end of that vast year, it would look something like this: The earth is formed on the first of January. It is only in December that the continents start drifting into their present position. The dinosaurs become extinct