Osho states, “A destination is a very clear-cut thing; direction is very intuitive. A destination is something outside you, more like a thing. A direction is an inner feeling; not an object, but your very subjectivity…” (with audio)
“It is the process of reabsorbing back to the cause, bringing effect back to the cause; the process of involution.”
Osho speaks on ‘Burning’: “…unless you are ready to burn your false self, there is not going to be any real revolution in the world.”
“Feel happy! Dance with your silence,” states Osho. Published in The Economic Times on November 11, 2021.
Osho speaks about an interview given by Dr Abraham Kovoor in December 1976 in which he talks about Osho, criticising him and the sannyasins.
Osho comments on the last stanzas of Desiderata: ‘Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.’
“We are to destroy the whole past. It has been a horrible past, it has been a nightmare,” states Osho.
A sannyasin, arriving, says he feels simultaneously very young and very old; and he feels to be alone.
Osho comments on a sutra, “So the first thing Uwais says is, ‘This is my feeling. I live moment to moment, without any plan or future. I don’t know what is going to happen this evening – maybe death.'”
The clock represents the mind – and not just literally, not just as a metaphor; mind is time, states Osho.
When we enter into meditation, life is fully awakened and that is living the whole, living in eternity. Then time doesn’t exist, writes Pratiksha Apurv. Published in The Speaking Tree, March 25, 2020.
Osho tells an anecdote from his school days (with audio) – “…if you are aware, suddenly you are alone.”
A disciple thanks Osho for the love and compassion he expresses when he folds his hands and greets his people.
… to former Indian engineer whose floral headpieces went viral. Published by BBC on February 6, 2020.
Osho states, “The past is gone – you are no longer a child, or you are no longer a young man. The past is gone. Let the gone be gone.”
Marc looks into the phenomenon of nostalgia and what triggers it… and is it a reality, is it a dream, an illusion?
Osho talks about meditating in a Buddhafield, “the field of awakening” and returning to “the marketplace.”
Meditation teaches us to live intensely, while the mind’s inherent nature is to train us to worry and plan for the future, writes Pratiksha Apurv. Published in Speaking Tree on March 31, 2019.
In answer to a question, Osho says that all boundaries are dissolving in this commune, as it is a meeting of old friends.
Osho speaks to a new sannyasin very supportively about hypnosis and declares that once a person is capable of going into the past, he becomes automatically capable of going into the future, because the process is the same: “…ordinarily everything about the past and the future of a mechanical man can be known.”
Michael Roads, Guest Writer for Wake Up World, looks at the impact that regularly repeated words and statements have on people’s lives.
Osho states, “The centers that exist deep within this body alone, which Yoga calls chakras, are the accumulated forms of many lives.” From ‘Hidden Mysteries’, Ch 5, Part 6 of 6.
Declare your freedom individually. And that’s my movement. You are here, not as a society, not as a community, you are here as an individual, states Osho
Whether you are afraid or not, everybody is missing the train. It is good that you are afraid, because that may help you to understand why you are missing, says Osho.
A sannyasin says: I’m going back to pursue my study of astrology and to try to use it as a medium to communicate with people – not for its predictative qualities but just as a psychological tool…. in pointing out blocks and indicating how best we can use our energy.
“If you can live in the present, the taste is tremendously sweet. This is the way to live, this is the only way to live – otherwise you will not be living,” states Osho. From our series 1001 Tales, compiled by Shanti.
Past and future are created in our mind. They are distractions… writes Jon E. Dougherty in mindbodyscience.news and SOTT on May 20th, 2016.
We all know living in the moment is a key aspect of happiness, writes Julie Peters in spiritualityhealth.com and SOTT on June 22, 2016
You can go on moving backwards, and you will find everything that has happened in existence up to now, had to happen for you to happen.
Osho says, “You are not new on this earth, you are older than the earth because you have lived on other earths also, other planets.”
Beloved Osho,
In the face of the huge mystery of life, since the early ages humankind has consulted oracles. It’s very famous throughout history – like the oracle of Delphi.