

Indian mystic and poet.

When we walk, sleep, or even perform a mundane activity with awareness, it becomes meditation and the centring of our being begins, writes Pratiksha Apurv. Published in Speaking Tree, February 4, 2018.

“For thousands of years the human mind has believed that by going to a holy pool, to a river or to a pond, all will be good. You want to find cheap ways to get rid of all that you have been doing, you don’t want to take its responsibility on yourself,” states Osho. From our series 1001 Tales, compiled by Shanti.

The mantra that Guru Nanak gave to the world explains to seekers that God is not separate from His creation. He is totally absorbed and immersed in the one He has created, writes Pratiksha Apurv. Published in Speaking Tree, India.

Religions have created frames to help you look for the Divine, but they act like blinkers, preventing you from looking at the larger picture, writes Pratiksha Apurv in this editorial published in Speaking Tree on March 4, 2017.

It’s only when the mind is silent and you are absolutely calm that you can hear the sound of Aum. Editorial by Pratiksha Apurv in Speaking Tree, India, published on January 15, 2017.

In an article published in ‘The Speaking Tree’ (a Times of India publication, New Delhi) on October 7, 2012, widely acclaimed painter Pratiksha writes about the power of love.