Radhika’s fourth and last part… working and meditating in the Pune commune.
The original and revolutionary forms of meditation of the Indian thinker. His words, edited by Anand Videha, on newsstands with the Corriere della Sera from 18 January. Article from January 17, 2020
Nirbija sent details about this new project and will be one of the many readers of the Corriere della Sera to buy the weekly compilation.
In Komalta’s journey to sannyas, she comes, through her profession, into contact with the people from the publications department Naropa, and consequently with Osho’s words.
A contemporary new online information site about Osho, the creative result of a group of sannyasins who were with Osho from the seventies on, most of them working for his publications.
Beloved Osho, You were saying that the new will be victorious. Will it really be the new, or will it be the old polished up here and there.