Prabhat tells his story: how he came to sannyas and his experience as a commune member in Poona and Rajneeshpuram.
A small selection from Prabhat’s photographs taken in Tel Aviv, Israel, during the coronavirus lockdown and social distancing time.
Exciting news: the Osho TLV Meditation Centre in Tel Aviv, Israel, opened end of last month with a big celebration and champagne. (Lani talked to Punya via WhatsApp)
What is usually reported about the Gaza Strip, the self-governing Palestinian territory on the east coast of the Mediterranean, is war and death, general mayhem and destruction. Published on BBC on December 30, 2018.
New photos by Prabhat (Nimi Getter): “It is an alive and busy town trying to conjure a normal reality, such as known from any other big city in the western world.”
In the wake of the Netflix docuseries Wild Wild Country, Shantam Lani, Osho’s World Ambassador and former Rajneeshpuram resident speaks to Tracy Alexander on Israel’s ‘i 24NEWS’. Published on May 28, 2018.
She [Hasya] survived the Holocaust, lived on a kibbutz, helped to produce ‘The Godfather’, and finally found satisfaction as a follower of the guru Osho. Her role in the hit Netflix documentary is merely a cameo, but Françoise Ruddy lived a life worthy of its own miniseries, write Ofer Aderet and Omer Shubert. Published in Haaretz, May 17, 2018
Osho speaks about the creation of Israel by politicians and the resulting constant conflicts and suggests, “Move the Jews from Israel and give Israel to the Mohammedans; it belongs to them,” and adds, “And as for me and my people, we offer our commune land as a beginning.”
In the last part of this interview, Lani talks about her life after Pune 2, and her mother Hanya’s death.
Photo exhibition of Prabhat’s work in Tel Aviv, 28th April till 5th May 2016. Introduction by Nayana.
For the first time ever, the Jewish Community Centre and Surrey India Arts in Vancouver worked on creating a Punjabi-Jewish fusion song and dance number.
An open letter beyond politics by Brian Eno, an English artist, musical innovator, record producer for artists ranging from David Bowie to U2 and Coldplay.