The last four stories from Bhagawati’s book, serialized on Osho World: Anuradha, Shazar, Jeevan and Renu.
The next four stories from Bhagawati’s book, serialized on Osho World: Somadevi, Keerti, Mangala, Sahaja.
The next stories from Bhagawati’s book, serialized this month on Osho World: Anatto, Nandan, Tao and Veena.
Four more stories from Bhagawati’s book, serialized this month on Osho World: Premdaya, Dharm Jyoti, Rammurthi and Dayanand.
Four more excerpts from Bhagawati’s book serialized this month on Osho World: Bhagawati, Sneha, Ananya/Mahendra and Amrita.
Now serialized online on Osho World – writes Bhagawati, the author of this compilation of life stories. Here the links to the first 16 stories.
An invitation to visit Osho World’s new website to read, research and listen to Osho’s discourses and talks.
Kul Bhushan writes about a series of meditations being held in the wake of the catastrophic earthquake in Nepal.
Osho World Foundation participated at the bi-yearly World Book Fair at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi, which ran from February 25 until March 4, 2012.
All around the globe, sannyasins and Osho Centres are rejoicing with various
activities in this 80th Birth Year of Osho