Excerpts from an article in The Guardian, 14 December 2024
Update: 30-day free trial available for all new subscriptions between 18 June – 17 July 2021. Web and mobile app, by Deva Premal and Miten and team, for mantra lovers – by Punya.
Satya Vedant is an avid supporter of the OneWorld Meditation program organized by the new Ask Bhagwan app, coming available just as humanity reaches a great turning point after twenty-five centuries.
With the approach of Guru Purnima on July 5, 2020, all are invited to download the free Ask Bhagwan app and participate in OneWorld Meditation.
Osho News talks to Prem Sadhak, one of the developers of the app and initiator of the OneWorld Meditation commencing on July 5, 2020, Guru Purnima.
In Part 2 of Veena’s research into the dangers of electromagnetic fields and radiation to our physical bodies, she lines out several protective solutions she has found and applied to her daily life.
If you’ve ever had the sneaking suspicion that your phone might be watching you, new research suggests you’re not being paranoid. Published on SOTT and RT on July 4, 2018.
He [Sartre] should’ve been on my train when an oik* made 40 calls… in the quiet carriage! – writes Gyles Brandreth in the Daily Mail; published on February 6, 2018.
Is your smartphone making you stupid? Lisa Egan has a checklist. Excerpt from her article published in SOTT and Ready Nutrition.
Your apps, search engines and social networks know hidden things about you that even your closest friends might not. To find out just how much, Sophia Smith Galer tries an interesting programme called the Data Detox. Published by BBC on November 13, 2017.
Alarm bells have been sounding for years but most smartphone users ignore them, and are seen forever hunched over their device, busy with seemingly urgent transmissions. So here’s another clarion call, published in Science Daily on June 23, 2017.
Tammy Kennon explores the rather unsettling changes happening in our brains, minds and emotions with the constant exposure to the internet and electronic gadgets. Published on February 28, 2017, in ‘The Week’, USA, and SOTT.
Osho speaks on the impact of television and computers in modern life, asserting that computers can destroy people’s memory systems.
Outspoken and controversial well-known film director speaks on ‘invasion’ of privacy in gaming app and about his new film ‘Snowden’. The Guardian, July 22, 2016
Joshua Krause calls upon humanity to break free and stop being slaves to technology. Published by ZenGardner.com on April 23, 2016.
Swedish artists design and erect signs in Stockholm to stop people endangering themselves and others, reports Chris Graham in The Telegraph, UK, on May 27, 2016.
Some thoughts about the ‘escape from reality’, illusions and health risks provided by the use of smartphones.
A documentary by well-known film producer Werner Herzog, notably ‘Fitzcarraldo’, and ‘Aguirre, the Wrath of God’, is part of a campaign by AT&T to raise awareness about smartphone use while driving.
A satirical security blanket that phone addicts are really taking seriously. Jessica Leber reports on fastcoexist.com.
Julian Rose takes a stand about the mobile phone and the virtual world billions of people are now addicted to.
Just the sheer amount of ‘selfies’ that are unleashed to the general public at an alarming rate is enough to make one wonder where humanity is headed to.
Kul Bhushan reports about India’s most celebrated photographer meeting with young photographers in New Delhi recently.
Until very recently, mankind was able to live without the aid of a mobile phone glued into their hands.
Keerti explores the phenomenon of selfies and how to take the concept further to witness emotions and feelings and ultimately self-realisation. The Asian Age, India, on February 3, 2015
Finally it happened! Christopher Hooton at The Independent introduces an alternative to iPhone 6. Published on October 27, 2014.
Cyber security expert Gary Miliefksy explains how a popular smartphone application could expose your personal information to cyber criminals.
Published in the Huffington Post on August 18, 2014, Joanna Zelman writes about an incident involving selfies that she observed – the destructiveness and thoughtlessness of modern humans.
Osho speaks about the mirror meditation – pointed out to us by Marc with reference to the ‘Selfie’ craze
It is an odd word, that. I became aware of it for the first time a few months ago when a friend visiting from Australia coined the term which originated in Down-Under.
As reported widely in the media recently, Microsoft is developing a ‘smart bra’ that will be able to detect women’s moods and combat overeating.
Sneak preview into our future – some of it is already part of what we call our reality. Is this where we are headed to?
Many studies have been published about electromagnetic fields and their negative impact on humans and animals. The Swiss Government assessed that all devices emitting EMFs have the potential to do great harm if used incorrectly and is warning its citizens.