

This present moment is beyond time. One can live in this no-time, no-space paradigm while fully breathing the present in its totality, writes Pratiksha Apurv. Published in Speaking Tree on November 17, 2018.

“The watcher is not on the screen, he is sitting in the movie hall. But the problem arises when the watcher becomes identified with something on the movie screen,” says Osho.

As a sannyasin, one has to learn the art of meditating and creating distance from the mind that is suicidal, writes Keerti in The Asian Age. Published on June 14, 2018.

In a Hindi discourse, Osho answers a question by the late Om Prakash Saraswati after listening to the first discourse on the Gita of Ashtavakra: “These words are of the sky. These words come from the homeland, come from that from which source we all come, the source to which we must return.”

Bhagawati questions the effects of popular prayer, chants and well-wishing: “These so-called prayers are all mantras that won’t make anybody wake up but put everybody to sleep with the smug feeling of having ‘done’ something positive.”

Q: Osho, when I dropped my job as a political reporter in order to come to Poona, some of my friends who are engaged in the struggle against atomic war, atomic power, destruction of the environment, the dismantling of democratic freedoms, etcetera, called me an escapist. Sometimes I wonder if they are right. Are they?

Q: If the ego is unreal, then does it not mean that the unconscious mind, the accumulation of memories in the brain cells, and the process of transformation that is the subject matter of spirituality, is also unreal, a dream process?

In this three-part series, Kaiyum clarifies widespread confusion about the difference between feelings and emotions.
Part 1: Providing the essential answer about the part played by the Mind.