An essay by Surendra on the legends of the Shinto religion (Part 1)
“Pythagoras’ sutras are divided into three parts; they are known as the three famous P’s of Pythagoras.”
Osho speaks on ‘Religion’; ” All religious people are explorers, all religious people are adventurers.”
Osho responds to the question, “And why has there not been a Master before you in all the ages who has combined and synthesized all the teachings of past Buddhas?”
Excerpt about Osho from an article discussing Indian godmen Paramahamsa Nithyananda alias Nithyanand and Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Insan. By Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, published in Blitz Weekly on 25 December 2020.
Osho speaks on the topic of ‘Nature’: “This planet has to be loved, this planet has to be rejoiced in. It is a gift.”
Millions of people have become stuck in the muck of their religions, writes Keerti in The Asian Age. Published on March 2, 2020.
Osho states, “Religion is not something that one gets – one has it, nobody can give it to you. It is your very being.
“Why have religions put you against your natural instincts? For the simple reason, to make you feel guilty. Once guilt is created … their work is done,” says Osho.
Sex still being a touchy and often even taboo subject in many cultures and religions to this day, a mother and daughter from the Punjab have the courage to ask each other various questions about it. Published on BBC on August 31, 2018.
Down the centuries religion has been a very serious affair for most of the believers. Being pious or holy became synonymous with seriousness, writes Keerti. Published in Business World, India.
Osho explains, “The India that you know, I have already left… But for whomsoever wants to seek and search and be, India still provides the best climate – spiritual climate, I mean.”
Osho states, “It is felt deeply that this earth is going to die soon; that is why there is so much search to go beyond this earth.”
Young Turkish people are rejecting Islam, writes Selin Girit, BBC News, Istanbul. Published on May 10, 2018.
Official video of the Grammy Award-winning ‘Losing My Religion’ from R.E.M.’s critically-acclaimed, 1991 album, ‘Out Of Time’.
Osho answers the question: Osho, you are quoted as being here to proclaim a new tradition, not to perpetuate the old. Why is this, and how do you see the future?
Marc looks at Billy Graham’s life, purpose and impact he had on former leading statesmen and many other followers – and also quotes what Osho says about him.
Kul Bhushan looks into the mounting evidence of many curious similarities between Jesus Christ and Krishna.
Marc’s rude awakening when he found out as a child that he was duped to believe in the existence of a Father in heaven.
Ageh Bharti remembers a public talk Osho gave at a meeting of all religions in Jabalpur in the late sixties.
Osho states about his message: “Its universality means that it is the foundational doctrine of existence,” and that “truth is absolutely uncompromising.”
A noted speaker, Hans Wilhelm has been inspiring audiences around the world with his spiritual and life-affirming concepts that he shares in many of his more than 200 books that he wrote and illustrated. This is his latest video about the negative impact of organised religions on the individual.
“I do not believe in Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Once in a while I mention him, but that is simply a kind of joke and nothing else; I don’t believe in the theory of evolution,” states Osho.
“Once a religion is organized, it is dead,” says Osho. From our series 1001 Tales, compiled by Shanti.
Religions have created frames to help you look for the Divine, but they act like blinkers, preventing you from looking at the larger picture, writes Pratiksha Apurv in this editorial published in Speaking Tree on March 4, 2017.
Beloved Osho,
My fear around your vision of the birth of the new man through test-tubes and genetic engineering comes not from the technology itself, but from fear of who might control the technology.
In the highlands of West Sumatra, a man is considered a guest in his wife’s home, writes Rathina Sankari on BBC on September 22, 2016.
Pope Francis is launching a monthly video where he will outline his proposals and prayer intentions.
During three thousand years, fifteen thousand wars have been fought. Fifteen thousand wars in three thousand years?
Religious belief appears to have negative influence on children’s altruism and judgments of others’ actions even as parents see them as ‘more empathetic’, writes Harriet Sherwood in The Guardian on November 6, 2015.
Beloved Osho,
Many contemporaries and enlightened ones – Raman Maharshi, Meher Baba, George Gurdjieff and J. Krishnamurti – have worked with people, but people get more offended by you than by anybody else.
Beloved Osho, I love hearing the stories of the old masters and their disciples. It is so beautiful to feel the essence of those small oases of consciousness – which centuries of religion have since covered in the dust of dogma and deceit. But still, as I look at us sitting here, feeling the joy,
Q: You said the other day that no one is interested any more in questions like “who created the universe?” but a recent edition of ‘Time Magazine’ devoted considerable space to an article entitled “In the Beginning: God and Science.”
If the world becomes a little more conscious, soldiers will throw away their arms and hug each other, sit down together under a tree and gossip.