Doris Stellmacher (Sangit Masto) recalls the three-month Esoteric Science Training with Wadud and Waduda of autumn 1988
by Waduda (aka Leela) to the 1991, now out-of-print, boxed edition of The Book of the Secrets by Osho, where she writes about her experience in preparing herself for and then leading the three-month Esoteric Science Training workshop
A Tantra meditation bringing patience, release of expectation, and empowerment, described by Madhuri
Madhuri elucidates at a talk the source of women’s unease at a lifted toilet seat, and of men’s at being shouted at (with two poems and video link)
Sarita and Yogi Malik chat about a vast array of subjects on Tantra – from Kundalini to Mantras, Chakras to sacred sites, to how to bring Tantra into our daily lives.
Nirbija reviews Devakant’s latest album: A fresh musical experience for breathing into the chakras and other techniques.
Karunesh reflects on how part of our mind listens to the basic human needs at the cost of the Soul’s needs.
Osho states, “The centers that exist deep within this body alone, which Yoga calls chakras, are the accumulated forms of many lives.” From ‘Hidden Mysteries’, Ch 5, Part 6 of 6.
Osho answers the question, “Some days I feel like a swami and others like a ma. Can I be both? Or will I grow up schizy?”
In the last part of this discourse, Osho continues to answer the question from part nine: “The inquiry of a man of the fourth plane changes dimensions…”
In the ninth part of a series of 10, Osho answers a question with regard to “the fundamental difference between the language of expression of the man of the fourth plane and the scientist.”
Socrates shares his exquisite paintings in our art gallery: “The deepening of my meditation goes hand in hand with my artwork; as my own exploration deepens, new expressions of the chakras arise in my paintings.”
In the eighth part of a series of 10, Osho continues to answer a question from part 7 on ‘shaktipat’ and grace: “…the final happening of grace will take place when there is no one in between.”
In the seventh part of a series of 10, Osho answers three questions and speaks on ‘shaktipat’ and his preference for direct grace.
In the sixth part of a series of 10, Osho concludes his explanation of the seven bodies and the seven chakras. “The ultimate is the void – nothingness.”
In the fifth part of a series of 10, Osho speaks on the sixth and seventh bodies, after which comes “… the journey to non-being, non-existence.”
In the fourth part of a series of 10, Osho continues to speak on the fifth body: “Even though the ego is intrinsically dead on the fifth plane, I-am-ness still persists.”
In the third part of a series of 10, Osho speaks on the significance of the fifth chakra and the fifth body.
In this first part of a series of 10, Osho speaks about the significance of the first and second chakras.
A quiet mind enables meditation, paving the way for yoga, writes Pratiksha Apurv in Speaking Tree, India, on June 18, 2017.
With the third eye you become capable of seeing things which are there, but which cannot be seen with ordinary eyes, says Osho.
Only when we are witness to our base energy, is it possible to raise it through the chakras to reach cosmic super consciousness, writes Osho’s niece Pratiksha Apurv. Speaking Tree, India, October 21, 2016
The first step is to stop projecting your moods on to the other person. Then witness this phenomenon, writes Pratiksha Apurv in Speaking Tree, New Delhi, India, July 18, 2016
In 1888 a person named Ramanujan was born in a poor Brahmin family in South India. He became a very famous mathematician.
Osho says male domination is the root of homosexuality and that within fifty years governments and religions will start preaching homosexuality.
Broadcast by Italian TV RAI in 1972, this rare footage shows Osho conducting a meditation camp and records his reply to a question by journalist Giovanni Costa (with English translation!).
Q: When you came to say farewell to Dadaji on the podium in Buddha Hall, suddenly the area where you and Dadaji’s body were became like a film. You both seemed to be without substance.
Osho states, “Just as a tree leaves seeds behind before dying, similarly the body too leaves behind seeds before it meets death.”
In this discourse, Osho speaks also about the meaning of the ’tilak’ or ‘tika’, Edgar Cayce, and that atomic energy was known and used already by the ancients.
In an article published in ‘The Speaking Tree’ (a Times of India publication, New Delhi) on March 11, 2012, widely acclaimed painter Pratiksha writes about colours playing an important part in our lives.