

Sarita and Yogi Malik chat about a vast array of subjects on Tantra – from Kundalini to Mantras, Chakras to sacred sites, to how to bring Tantra into our daily lives.

Only when we are witness to our base energy, is it possible to raise it through the chakras to reach cosmic super consciousness, writes Osho’s niece Pratiksha Apurv. Speaking Tree, India, October 21, 2016

The first step is to stop projecting your moods on to the other person. Then witness this phenomenon, writes Pratiksha Apurv in Speaking Tree, New Delhi, India, July 18, 2016

Broadcast by Italian TV RAI in 1972, this rare footage shows Osho conducting a meditation camp and records his reply to a question by journalist Giovanni Costa (with English translation!).

In an article published in ‘The Speaking Tree’ (a Times of India publication, New Delhi) on March 11, 2012, widely acclaimed painter Pratiksha writes about colours playing an important part in our lives.