

Subhan writes, “Years ago, I heard someone say that the universe is one, and that we are all interconnected with everyone and everything around us. But that was NOT my experience.”

“We will also need a new societal structure that is more in alignment with our awakening consciousness,” states Mayuri in her essay about the implications of Covid-19.

Peter Bloch got in touch with us after Kaiyum, his brother, sent him a link to our recent article, Animals and Humans, in which also the refugee situation in Lesvos was addressed. It turned out that Peter and his wife Madeleine have been working there since last October.

“The sense of oneness has no effect other than a deep and vast knowing of who/what ‘I’ am. Rather than a physical body, which is merely a necessity for this incarnation and learning phase, there is a perception of boundless energy, entirely joyful and wholly free,” writes Bhagawati.

Examining the role that stories play in how we think about ourselves and each other, offering a glimpse at a new emerging story that can help bring about a more sustainable world. (video)