Phoebe’s horoscope for the month of January, with quotes from Osho: “Be a giver. Share whatsoever you can! And remember, I am not making any distinction between small things and great things.”
Phoebe’s horoscope for the month of December, with quotes from Osho: “Once you change, the world will remain the same but it will not be the same at all. Because you are your world!”
Phoebe’s horoscope for the month of November, with quotes from Osho: “Go on watching your own mind, heart.”
Phoebe’s horoscope for the month of October, with quotes from Osho: “…Lovers are born and die. Love goes on.”
Phoebe’s horoscope for September with quotes from Osho: “Life’s door, love’s door, God’s door – they all open when you are playful.”
Phoebe’s horoscope for August with quotes from Osho: “My sannyasin has to learn love, life, laughter. I want to create a temple which knows how to celebrate, whose only worship will be festivity…”
Your horoscope by Phoebe with quotes from Osho: “Nobody can live in no… you can only suffer and create more and more miseries. No is hell.”
Your horoscope by Phoebe with quotes from Osho: “One has to wait, and one has to learn how to wait… Be patient and just wait. Wait with deep love, prayerfulness, gratitude…”
Phoebe, the new writer-astrologer of our horoscope column, has decided to try out a different format. The article Astrology with Osho explains her aims, and the playfulness of the new comic glyphs she chose to illustrate the signs, are to remind us not to take horoscopes, or anything in life, too seriously.
During this December it’s a matter of summing up – namely in terms of attitudes and perspectives. This means that we should take a close look at our approach towards life, our ideas about life, and indeed our entire philosophy of life and see whether they are still sound, says Sitara.
Jupiter transits into the rather undiplomatic Sagittarius and since Jupiter is able to gain something positive from anything, Jupiter’s participation in the experiment will be in good humour. Best of all, Jupiter will now spend a full year focusing particularly on positive opportunities and will even tackle those situations cheerfully that drive others to despair, says Sitara.
Besides wanting to explore the question, ‘What is love?’, it is also worthwhile in October to take a good look at one’s own life to see how it is with love as it represents itself in Scorpio, says Sitara.
In addition to Mars moving forward again, the wonderful Jupiter-Pluto sextile that has accompanied us throughout the year and ensured that we have not lost courage even in the most difficult situations, unfolds its effectiveness especially in the spiritual realm, states Sitara.
Sitara states, “A good month, but the first half of August can be gruelling because of the occurrence of many sudden changes, and those in directions you are not prepared for.”
Sitara asserts that many adverse circumstances are caused by those who can’t cope with their inner adversity. But no matter where they manifest themselves, they belong to the quality of time, i.e. you have to face and deal with them as constructively as possible.
Uranus in Taurus will make life quite uncomfortable and will cause or reinforce in many people a feeling of being uprooted; actual relaxation can only be achieved if we look beyond the habitual and seek our backing in truth, states Sitara.
Sitara states that it is a good idea to develop flexibility and improvisation skills, because these will be of great benefit to us over the next eight years. Many of life’s cornerstones begin to waver and demand creative restoration.
Sitara says, this April is just like its reputation, namely patchy. There’s a little bit of everything, you can’t have any expectations besides that both pleasant and unpleasant situations will change again.
Sitara says, “Jupiter in Scorpio goes retrograde on the 9th, thus heralding a new phase about one’s own values, ideals and spiritual orientation during a four-month contemplation and review.”
Sitara says that in February, the first half of the month is more likely to benefit fire and air signs, while the second half will benefit earth and water signs.
Already in the first half of the month, wonderful opportunities open up for us through this: Sun, Venus, Mars and Jupiter join in a harmonious constellation with Pluto. This imparts a special intensity to everything we do, and also a special radiance, says Sitara.
Internally and externally, we can now cross borders that have made life difficult for us for many years. It is in fact a reconnection with the larger whole. And on December 20th, a major astrological event will take place… says Sitara.
Sitara asserts, “In the event of one of many recent cover-up stories, the Neptunian smoke machine quickly begins its work and throws countless aspects into the discussion, which subsequently becomes the focus – and under which the actual ethical principle moves out of sight.”
First and foremost, it is about an inner reconciliation and the ability to rise like a phoenix from the ashes over complicated matters, says Sitara.
The highlight of the month is the last of the three Jupiter-Uranus oppositions, explains Sitara. Follow your convictions, your insights, and your values. The signs of the times are ready for a new start!
The Jupiter-Pluto square is coming to its close and August will be about a matter of “money is power” or – in the transformative version – “the power of truth”, states Sitara.
July offers great diversity, but the overall mood is more emotional and therefore more conflict-prone. You cannot rely on what is being said and anything can happen at any time, says Sitara.
June is the month of Gemini, and this year, entirely to the Gemini’s fancy, it provides a wealth of different constellations. Sitara says, “What is being offered is inexhaustible!”
The second of three harmonious meetings between Uranus and Saturn takes place in the second half of May. Hence, within this year, young and old, new and traditional, future and past will come to a harmonious whole, says Sitara.
Intriguingly, Sitara states that in this and the next month is a turning point for a development that began at the end of 2016 and will come to an end this November.
Sitara says, “…we are at a point where, by taking a turn for the better in the new direction, the seed of a brighter future is being cast.”
February is dominated by an inspiring fire-and-air mix stimulating each other, while Mercury yields a lot of new ideas that the Aries planets can pick up and put into practice, says Sitara.
The alliance of Jupiter and Uranus that began in December and provides momentum and imagination and Saturn’s stabilising effect are now complemented by Neptune, says Sitara.
From now until autumn 2017, three major constellations are effective, says Sitara: Jupiter-Pluto Square, Jupiter-Uranus Opposition and Saturn-Uranus Trine.
November ambles along fairly quietly yet the strong Lilith influence also gives rise to power issues during the first half of November, while in the last week, the first Jupiter-Pluto Square forms, says Sitara.
New Moon, Jupiter and Mercury form a powerful counterweight to power planets Pluto, Uranus and Mars. Sitara predicts that nobody will be bored this month!
Presently we have two options, says Sitara: To anxiously watch the general loss of control or to confidently surrender to the course of events.
This month, fine tuning is the word – and an accurate screening of proceedings, structures, situations and constellations in all walks of life, says Sitara.
This month, disputes and conflicts are quickly taking on disturbing proportions – Pluto is active, as is Uranus – which possibly brings the tensions of the past years again to a boiling point, says Sitara.
The second Neptune-Saturn square establishes itself powerfully and strongly… the magic words are ‘flexibility and sincerity’, says Sitara.
For starters, just about all planetary forces are in perfect harmony with each other but later the comfort zone loosens up; there is more stress but also more excitement, says Sitara.
The month of March is bulging with astrological influences and with Chiron being the undercurrent, says Sitara.
Turmoil and unrest call for new ways and means. However, accept that there always remains something imperfect or incomplete, says Sitara.
The tension of Uranus and Pluto dominates the first month of 2016: a show of force by a few turns against the revolt of many, and vice versa, says Sitara.
Although we’ve already left behind the Uranus Pluto square, Uranus provides excitement with Pluto getting in on the act too, predicts Sitara.
Sitara finds that the constellations starting this year seem to have made it their mission to undermine general ignorance and call for more realism.
September is here and a great potential for spiritual breakthroughs and bursting soap bubbles, says Sitara.
Tranquillity, reconciliation and healing will help invoke constructive and solution-oriented forces, says Sitara.
This month, special positive energy opens hearts and senses to new possibilities of expression, reveals Sitara.
Be aware of the full moon bringing a tendency to have exaggerated claims to life, especially in relationships, says Sitara.
By mid-April the waves will slowly calm down and we will be able to put many things in our lives on a solid foundation, says Sitara.